Chinese space station maneuvers

This page is periodically updated with data about the CSS maneuvers bigger than 0.3 m/s.

The values are obtained from the TLEs for NORAD ID 48274 "CSS (TIANHE-1)" downloaded from Please, note that not all figures are significant.
All the TLEs are processed with the SGP4 C++ library v2020-09-10 published by David Vallado and freely downloadable from

Select a maneuver:

The graph shows the 1-orbit averaged radius vector (or semi-major axis) and orbital speed.

ΔV = m/s
Δsma = m (variation of the semi-major axis)

Here are the perigee and apogee radius vector.
For any given TLE, the program calculates the CSS orbital period T. Then the smallest and the biggest radius vector is found from the TLE epoch minus T/2 to the TLE epoch plus T/2.

Δperigee: m
Δapogee: m
Here is the instantaneous radius vector before and after the maneuver.

Δperigee: m
Δsma: m
Δapogee: m
The graph shows the CSS altitude above the WGS 72 ellipsoid for the same TLEs used in the previous graph.