Here are some graphs and data related to the BepiColombo mission.


- Real-time data (2021-11-30)
- Mission events (2021-11-30)
- Orbital elements (2021-11-30)
- Flybys (2021-11-30)

Unless otherwise stated, the following applies.

Data file: graphs and comments are based on the ESA SPICE Service, BepiColombo Operational SPICE Kernel Dataset: https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-dwuc9bs.
File used: bc_mpo_fcp_00113_20181020_20251101_v01.bsp; it contains the ephemeris of the MPO spacecraft as delivered by the Flight Dynamics team on November 23, 2021.

Coordinates: the coordinates are geometric (no corrections for aberration, light-time, etc.).

Radius of the planets: Mercury and Venus are modeled as spheres with a radius of 2439.7 km and 6051.8 km respectively. The Earth is modeled as an ellipsoid with equatorial radius of 6378.1366 km and polar radius of 6356.7519 km.

Interactive graphs: all the graphs are rendered with plotly.js, an open-source JavaScript graphing library to generate dynamic and interactive graphs. The page could take a few seconds to load.

Earth Observation Portal link: BepiColombo Mission.